Hamilton-Wenham Human Rights Coalition

The Hamilton Wenham Human Rights Coalition (HWHRC) is a local organization that empowers everyday activists in their community through education, conversation, and activism. Their goal is to build a more equitable township through action and connection with like-minded neighbors. HWHRC asked Good Little Design to help out with their brand identity at their inception. With a passionate member base made up of individuals living in a small community north of Boston, they hope to challenge the historically illiberal ways of their local government and usher in a new era of inclusivity and equality. HWHRC’s brand identity needed to feel vibrant, powerful, and unconventional.

Drone footage provided by Jay Burnham.



  • Logo system

  • Typography

  • Color story

  • Brand guidelines

  • Collateral

  • Website

  • Social media graphics



What happens when you combine a flag, an equal sign, and a conversation bubble?

A bad@$$ logo for a local human rights organization, reflective of their support for equal rights and inclusivity. We also created a set of alternative marks to provide options for different formats. This identity system allows for a wide range of flexibility when creating marketing materials.

HWHRC_stickers copy.jpg
done all


HWHRC is a very passionate and active group of individuals challenging their conventional town politics.

The vivid color palette we created is a reflection of this pursuit. The gamut of colors represents the wide-ranging issues of human rights that the group supports. The final brand identity needed to capture HWHRC's spirit: they are bold, vibrant & brave.


“Together with our neighbors we challenge systemic injustice, demand equality, and celebrate diversity. ”




The implementation of their new brand has allowed the HWHRC to stand out in a more traditional community.

Their Solidarity March, held in June 2020, drew over 500 community members and created a strong foundational base for the organization’s membership.



Brand integrity needed to be maintained throughout digital platforms.

Leveraging social media was paramount to the HWHRC’s communication plan. We were able to successfully translate their brand identity to their web and digital presence.